Bookr is a tool that allows students to create their own photobook using Flickr images.
Glogster is an interactive visual platform where users can create their own digital poster or web page that can contain text, audio, video, images, graphics, and drawings. Great for multimedia presentations that go beyond the basic PowerPoint.
Glogster FAQ
Glogster FAQ
Nearpod is a free, interactive mobile presentation app that allows teachers to create and customize their own presentations. Nearpod can be used on desktops, laptops, and iPods. It allows users to create visually interesting presentations using cloud-based tools and resources. Each user can see his own presentation on his iPod or computer, synced with the rest of the viewers who can interact with the presentation.
How Nearpod Works
How Nearpod Works
Screencast-o-matic is a free video recorder tool that can capture activity on a computer screen, along with narration. Screencast-o-matic is a simple tool to create videos and vodcasts that can be embedded on a website, blog, YouTube, TeacherTube, or other social media.
Screencast-o-Matic Tutorials
Screencast-o-Matic Tutorials
Sliderocket is a presentation creation tool that allows educators and students to embed pictures, video, and audio to create a presentation.
Getting Started with Sliderocket
Recommended Educational Uses:
Getting Started with Sliderocket
Recommended Educational Uses:
- Collaborate on class projects.
- Access class material and take notes under each slide.
- Educators could post class materials on Sliderocket to initiate discussion and collaboration.
- Educators could use Sliderocket to collaborate on and share class resources.
Smore is a multimedia flyer-making tool, similar to a drag-and-drop webpage builder, that also allows users to track traffic with analytics. Simple-to-use, beautiful designs that make creating presentations very easy.
Getting Started with Smore
Getting Started with Smore
Stich.it is a service that allows a user to “stich” links together on the Internet. It creates a slideshow-like experience in which a user selects web pages, videos, news sources, and photos then copies and pastes the URLs from the selected sources into Stich.it. Stich.it then combines the user’s selected URLs in an ordered sequence and creates a unique (and shorter) URL, stiching everything together. It is also social because users can Facebook or tweet their creations and comment on and share others’ stitches.
Stich.it Help
Recommended educational uses:
- Teachers can select and sequence reliable online sources for students
- Teachers can model for students the research process of finding trustworthy and reliable sources, showing students what, how, and why to select a particular source
Other Ideas:
Storify is a free tool that allows users to curate social networks and build stories, bringing together various media across various sources into one narrative.
Storify Support
Ideas for Using Storify in the Classroom